正规博彩十大网站排名 Club Sports
Club Sports at 正规博彩十大网站排名 are designed "for the students; by the students." Teams compete at home and away against other universities from around the country. Assisted by the staff of the Department of Sports and Recreation, students are challenged to build their leadership, communication, decision making, organizational, problem solving, and team building skills. The actual success and strength of each club is dependent on effective leadership of the officers and the degree of involvement of its club members.
Are you ready to take your passion for sports and recreation to the next level at Kennesaw State University? Joining a Club Sport is your gateway to an exciting world of team camaraderie, competition, and personal growth.
Please email clubsports@sovab-presse.com to receive more information on our current list of Club Sports.
If you do not see a current offered sport and you are interested in starting one not listed, fill out the Club Sport Application to get started!
For additional information about how to start a new club contact clubsports@sovab-presse.com.
Club Sports Directory
All currently registered Club Sport athletes have access to the services of our Certified Athletic Trainer.
Certified Athletic trainers (ATCs) are highly qualified, multi-skilled health care professionals who render service or treatment, under the direction of or in collaboration with a physician, in accordance with their education, training and the state's statutes, rules and regulations. As a part of the health care team, services provided by athletic trainers include primary care, injury and illness prevention, wellness promotion and education, emergent care, examination and clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions.
As the service is covered by student fees, there is no extra cost for the provided treatments.
The services provided include:
Athletic Training Office
The Athletic Training Office is in the Owls Nest. Appointments can be scheduled and managed through our booking page.
Physical Address:
3220 Busbee Drive
Kennesaw, GA 30144
(470) 578-2913
Owls Nest | @ the 正规博彩十大网站排名 Sports and Recreation Park
The Owls Nest is home to the club sports and intramural sports programs. It offers a 16,000 square foot training facility for more than 1500 club sport athletes. There are also two state-of-the-art synthetic turf fields available for club and intramural sport competitions and drop-in play for 正规博彩十大网站排名 student use. The field rules are list below. The fields are equipped for sports such as soccer, lacrosse, flag football, and ultimate frisbee. Club Sport competitions are also held on a third field equipped with rugby goal posts and is located near the Fifth Third Stadium.
Synthetic Field Rules
Physical Address:
3220 Busbee Drive
Kennesaw, GA 30144
(470) 578-2913
The Perch | @ the 正规博彩十大网站排名 Sports and Recreation Park
The Perch consist of four state-of-the-art synthetic turf fields and one natural turf field that host several competitions for intramural and club sports each year as well as drop-in play for 正规博彩十大网站排名 students. In addition to the fields, The Perch has four sand volleyball courts and a .93 mile walk/jog/run trail around a 9 acre lake which host several events for student organizations and the 正规博彩十大网站排名 community such as 5K races and sport tournaments.
Rules and Expectations
Physical Address:
390 Big Shanty Road
Kennesaw, GA 30144
(470) 578-7826
The Visiting Athlete/Visitor Waiver is an agreement which must be signed before any Visiting Athlete/Visitor is permitted to attend/participate in Club Sports Program including games, contests, or other activities.
What is Club Sports?
How do I join Club Sports?
You must first become a registered athlete. Please complete the registration forms here: mysportsrec.sovab-presse.com.
Please contact clubsports@sovab-presse.com for more information on how to sign-up.
Who is eligible to play Club Sports?
You must meet our following eligibility requirements:
Students who are new to 正规博彩十大网站排名 may begin participating on the first day of class of the semester.
You must be enrolled in at least one credit hour and be a degree seeking student to be eligible to participate in Club Sports. However, some teams may have additional credit hour requirements as determined by their National Governing Bodies. Please contact the team you wish to join for more information about their specific requirements.
Alumni, faculty and staff are not permitted to join a Club Sport team as an athlete. Volunteer positions are available. If interested in volunteering, contact clubsports@sovab-presse.com for more information.
Full eligibility details can be found in Chapter 2 of the Club Sports Manual.
Do I need prior experience to join a Club Sports team?
I am a Dual Enrollment Student. Can I participate?
Yes, you may participate in select parts of the program. You may practice with a Club Sport team, but you may not compete on behalf of 正规博彩十大网站排名.
In order to participate, you must pay the Student Recreation fee at either the Dr. Betty L. Siegel Student Recreation and Activities Center located on the Kennesaw Campus, or the Recreation and Wellness Center, located on the Marietta Campus.
LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR FACILITIESI am a former varsity athlete. Can I play Club Sports?
What is the ImPACT test?
How much does it cost to play Club Sports?
In order to be eligible for this program, you must pay the Recreation Fee ($97). If you are taking classes on campus, you have already paid this fee. If you only taking online classes, you can opt-in and pay this fee so that you may become eligible to participate. This is required as student fees fund our program.
Each Club Sport team determines how much they must charge in dues. These dues (paid either on a semester-by-semester basis or once per year) pay for travel costs, uniforms, equipment, facility rentals, etc. Reach out to the club you would like to join for specific information about how much their team dues will be for the current or upcoming semester. Please note team dues may fluctuate from year to year based on changes in the teams’ budget and yearly needs.
Can I join more than one Club Sports team?
What is the difference between Intramural Sports and Club Sports?
Intramural Sports take place during two six-week phases each semester. The sports offered may change from phase-to-phase. Intramural participants will primarily compete against fellow 正规博彩十大网站排名 students on opposing Intramural teams. Some select teams may compete at extramural competitions that may take place off-campus. There is no additional cost to play an Intramural Sport (unless the team forfeits a competition – then the team captain will be charged the forfeit fee).
Club Sport teams typically practice and compete over the entire academic year. Club teams practice during the week and compete on the weekends or during some weekday evenings. Club teams compete against other universities and local organizations. Club teams regularly travel to compete locally, regionally, and nationally. There are additional fees to join a club team (fees differ between club teams).
How do I start a new Club Sport team?
I filled out the forms. Now what?